Thursday, January 14, 2010

o to the fuckin yeah

its up! but it isn't much. I'm still getting the hang of this whole selling business, and i have a lot more items to sell, but i didn't realize it's actually a lot of work. but i promise promise to get better. The hard beginning stuff is (for the most part) out of the way, and though my shop appears to be very bare, i have the next FOUR days off so get ready for some big changes!    

Sunday, January 10, 2010

enter etsy.

how very exciting! yesterday i created an esty's sellers page, it isn't working yet, anyone know exactly how/what kind of paypal service i should use??? I am nervous, i've never sold anything i've made before, but hopefully there will be a positive response. as of now i have too much jewelery! this is a good opportunity to keep creating, without creating clutter, and maybe make a couple bucks. here is a preview! git your checkbooks ready!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

General Bead; Beaders Paradise

The first time I came here was with my auntie melanie from canada and i was completely in awe. Upstairs there are more pendants than one necklace could handle. gold, silver, suns, stars, goddesses, guns bicycles, lockets, turtles, you name it, they got it. Downstairs the walls are covered with beautiful glass, crystal, pearls, semiprecious stones, and gems bright and glamorous. In the past two weeks I've literally been there like six times, always finding something i cant wait to make into a fab accessory. Ive brought all my lady friends, and weve all spent tons of money here but have so much to show for it.  

oh yeah! just a glimpse, but ain't they shiny?? my lovely jewelery holder is getting fuller by the day, i promise better pictures soon!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

RIP singer inspiration 2240 12/25/2009- 1/1/2010

New Years Resolutions.
~golden gate park walks, even when it's cold
~smoke cigarettes less
~get tanner (thats a life goal)
~blog? well everyone else is doing it! and i like looking at them so im starting my own! basically to put up pictures of anything shiny, colorful, girly, bedazzled, well organized, sparkly, etc, that i bead, sew, see, want, lust.

these were my new years resolutions before 2010 started. Unfortunately new years day opened the year with some horrible news. The specifics? too sad to go into details but my sewing machine had been stolen and maliciously smashed. fuck! i got a dress form for christmas too! that very morning i had dresses her, her fabric was waiting to be stitched up, waiting to be worn by me instead of her. it still hurts alittle if i think about it too much. this was supposed to me my sewing year! classes, gift certificates, ideas, all bursting at the seams. But i am determine to not let this stop me and i will eventually not be mad. im better off than him anyways. i have a home, parents, friends, morale compass, and my sanity! i will sew again! and it will be so bomb. in the mean time i'll bead... and plot my revenge!